Once a part of MIHS, always a part of the family!
Once a part of MIHS, always a part of the family!
If you've made it to our site, we hope that means you miss us and want to get more connected! The connection between the school and our alumni should not end on graduation day. Even though you may have moved on, we hope MIHS continues to hold a special place in your heart. We’re thrilled our alumni are pursuing their passions, making the world a better place, and serving as incredible role models for our current students. Thank you for helping MIHS become a leader in education for ELLS and making us so proud.
If you've made it to our site, we hope that means you miss us and want to get more connected! The connection between the school and our alumni should not end on graduation day. Even though you may have moved on, we hope MIHS continues to hold a special place in your heart. We’re thrilled our alumni are pursuing their passions, making the world a better place, and serving as incredible role models for our current students. Thank you for helping MIHS become a leader in education for ELLS and making us so proud.
Connect With Us!
Connect With Us!
We’d love to connect with you online so that we can share your success stories with the MIHS community and keep you up to date with news of upcoming events, information about our program, ways to get involved and more!
We’d love to connect with you online so that we can share your success stories with the MIHS community and keep you up to date with news of upcoming events, information about our program, ways to get involved and more!
COME VISIT– if it's been a while since you've been to MIHS, we'd love for you to visit. You can see all the things that have been updated and improved and also see all the things that are exactly and wonderfully the same and say hello to some familiar faces along the way. Are you interested in joining our Alumni Panel to speak words of wisdom to our current students? Email Mr. Moses @!
COME VISIT– if it's been a while since you've been to MIHS, we'd love for you to visit. You can see all the things that have been updated and improved and also see all the things that are exactly and wonderfully the same and say hello to some familiar faces along the way. Are you interested in joining our Alumni Panel to speak words of wisdom to our current students? Email Mr. Moses @!
SHARE YOUR STORY– we would love to spotlight our alumni stories to our community, showing them where a MIHS education can take you. If you have time please fill out the GoogleForm below! Thank you for dropping by!
SHARE YOUR STORY– we would love to spotlight our alumni stories to our community, showing them where a MIHS education can take you. If you have time please fill out the GoogleForm below! Thank you for dropping by!
Here's What Some of Our Alumni Are Up To:
Here's What Some of Our Alumni Are Up To:
Ysmerlyn Baez
Ysmerlyn Baez
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Class of 2008
Class of 2008
Forensic Social Work
Forensic Social Work
Forensic social work is the application of social work to questions and issues relating to law and legal systems. This specialty of the social work profession goes far beyond clinics and psychiatric hospitals for criminal defendants being evaluated and treated on issues of competency and responsibility.
Forensic social work is the application of social work to questions and issues relating to law and legal systems. This specialty of the social work profession goes far beyond clinics and psychiatric hospitals for criminal defendants being evaluated and treated on issues of competency and responsibility.
Kenia Torres
Kenia Torres
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Class of 2007
Class of 2007
Human Resources Manager for MUFG
Human Resources Manager for MUFG
Management extends right from managing employees to managing the employers and the whole HR department as well. The role of an HR manager is to manage, create, implement and supervise policies/regulations, which are mandatory for every employee and also have knowledge of its appropriate functioning
Management extends right from managing employees to managing the employers and the whole HR department as well. The role of an HR manager is to manage, create, implement and supervise policies/regulations, which are mandatory for every employee and also have knowledge of its appropriate functioning
Diogomaye Ndiaye
Diogomaye Ndiaye
Class of 2006
Class of 2006
Development Manager
Development Manager
Since MIHS I've graduated College, got married, and have done a little bit of traveling
Since MIHS I've graduated College, got married, and have done a little bit of traveling
I am the Development Manager for a nonprofit organization located in New York City. In a nutshell, I work in the fundraising department and tasked with raising funds for our programs. I specialize in writing grants.
I am the Development Manager for a nonprofit organization located in New York City. In a nutshell, I work in the fundraising department and tasked with raising funds for our programs. I specialize in writing grants.
Johanna Sanchez
Johanna Sanchez
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Class of 2006
Class of 2006
Business Owner
Business Owner
Since MIHS, I've been traveling the world!
Since MIHS, I've been traveling the world!
I manage my own company. I rent for-hired vehicles. My company is a one-person company where I do everything, from the accounting to the legal endeavors that takes to manage a fleet of 40 vehicles.
I manage my own company. I rent for-hired vehicles. My company is a one-person company where I do everything, from the accounting to the legal endeavors that takes to manage a fleet of 40 vehicles.
America B. Nazario-Baez
America B. Nazario-Baez
Class of 2006
Class of 2006
DME Specialist/ Graduate Student for Teaching Social Studies
DME Specialist/ Graduate Student for Teaching Social Studies
Since MIHS, I attended City College of New York and continued my love for soccer. I obtained a BA in History - Latin America and Modern Art.
Since MIHS, I attended City College of New York and continued my love for soccer. I obtained a BA in History - Latin America and Modern Art.
After college, I entered the field of Health Care, and I am currently working as the DME Specialist at a FIDA insurance based in NYC. I decided to transition fields, presently, I am working towards my graduate studies for Secondary School of Education in Social Studies.
After college, I entered the field of Health Care, and I am currently working as the DME Specialist at a FIDA insurance based in NYC. I decided to transition fields, presently, I am working towards my graduate studies for Secondary School of Education in Social Studies.
Camila Franco Diaz
Camila Franco Diaz
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Class of 2014
Class of 2014
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
I went to the City College of New York and graduated with a Bachelor in Communications, specializing in Advertising, Public Relations, and Consumer Psychology. As soon as I graduated college, I picked up a backpack and traveled to 13 European countries in 33 days.
I went to the City College of New York and graduated with a Bachelor in Communications, specializing in Advertising, Public Relations, and Consumer Psychology. As soon as I graduated college, I picked up a backpack and traveled to 13 European countries in 33 days.
I am the Communications and Marketing Coordinator at The New York Public Library. love the fact that I'm able to work in a role that supports my community. The things that I do day-to-day and the initiatives that I work on have a positive impact on where I live and have the capacity to touch friends, neighbors and family, along with the every-day folk that utilize library opportunities in the abundant variety of ways that we exist for the community.
I am the Communications and Marketing Coordinator at The New York Public Library. love the fact that I'm able to work in a role that supports my community. The things that I do day-to-day and the initiatives that I work on have a positive impact on where I live and have the capacity to touch friends, neighbors and family, along with the every-day folk that utilize library opportunities in the abundant variety of ways that we exist for the community.
Ilya Bereznyak
Ilya Bereznyak
Class of 1997
Class of 1997
Capital Project Manager
Capital Project Manager
Right after HS I was accepted into RPI in Troy, NY ( upstate). I have completed my BS in Mechanical Engineering. I have worked from NASA ( Marshall Flight Center in Huntsville, AL), manufacturing, DOE projects, renewable energy, G&O industry.
Right after HS I was accepted into RPI in Troy, NY ( upstate). I have completed my BS in Mechanical Engineering. I have worked from NASA ( Marshall Flight Center in Huntsville, AL), manufacturing, DOE projects, renewable energy, G&O industry.
I am employed as the Capital Project Manager for various Gas and Oil projects as well as energy sector companies. I still enjoy being an engineer since that is what started me in my carrier path.
I am employed as the Capital Project Manager for various Gas and Oil projects as well as energy sector companies. I still enjoy being an engineer since that is what started me in my carrier path.
My home is just South of Denver, Colorado where I enjoy wide open space, high elevation and a free parking. I am married and have been to NYC 3 times in last 20 years.
My home is just South of Denver, Colorado where I enjoy wide open space, high elevation and a free parking. I am married and have been to NYC 3 times in last 20 years.
I have retired as volunteer fire fighter, achieving HazMat Tech, State Proctor credentials in addition of all the required numerous certifications.
I have retired as volunteer fire fighter, achieving HazMat Tech, State Proctor credentials in addition of all the required numerous certifications.
Jenny Cruz
Jenny Cruz
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Class of 2006
Class of 2006
Senior Business Consultant
Senior Business Consultant
Since MIHS, I became a consultant and travelled around the world.
Since MIHS, I became a consultant and travelled around the world.
As a Sr. Business Consultant at Kaiser Permanente, I advise management and leadership on strategy, process improvement and learning and development.
As a Sr. Business Consultant at Kaiser Permanente, I advise management and leadership on strategy, process improvement and learning and development.
Francisco (Paco) Arias
Francisco (Paco) Arias
Class of 2006
Class of 2006
Project Manager - Energy Engineer
Project Manager - Energy Engineer
I graduated from The City College of NY - CUNY with a major in Environmental Engineering. Currently, I work as an Project Manager - Energy Engineer at AKF Group, a full-service consulting engineering firm. My role consists of managing energy engineering projects and finding ways to optimize building systems, reduce energy consumption, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. My goal is to make an impact in NYC's commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability.
I graduated from The City College of NY - CUNY with a major in Environmental Engineering. Currently, I work as an Project Manager - Energy Engineer at AKF Group, a full-service consulting engineering firm. My role consists of managing energy engineering projects and finding ways to optimize building systems, reduce energy consumption, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. My goal is to make an impact in NYC's commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability.
Other non-work related activities I pursue are amateur astronomy/astro-photography as a member of the Amateur Astronomer Association of NY (, back-country hiking and camping, all kinds of board games, and snowboarding.
Other non-work related activities I pursue are amateur astronomy/astro-photography as a member of the Amateur Astronomer Association of NY (, back-country hiking and camping, all kinds of board games, and snowboarding.
Raynier Baez Guerrero
Raynier Baez Guerrero
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Class of 2008
Class of 2008
Community Health Extensionist with U.S Peace Corps
Community Health Extensionist with U.S Peace Corps
Health Volunteers work within their communities to promote important topics such as nutrition, maternal and child health, basic hygiene, and water sanitation.
Health Volunteers work within their communities to promote important topics such as nutrition, maternal and child health, basic hygiene, and water sanitation.
Volunteers also work in HIV/AIDS education and prevention programs, where they train youth as peer educators, provide support to children orphaned by the disease, and create programs that provide emotional and financial support to families and communities affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Volunteers also work in HIV/AIDS education and prevention programs, where they train youth as peer educators, provide support to children orphaned by the disease, and create programs that provide emotional and financial support to families and communities affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Pablo Ysrrael Abreu
Pablo Ysrrael Abreu
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Class of 2006
Class of 2006
Vice President Data Science
Vice President Data Science
Since MIHS, I attended Hamilton College where I obtained a BA in mathematics and philosophy. After Hamilton College, I've been working within the financial and technology field.
Since MIHS, I attended Hamilton College where I obtained a BA in mathematics and philosophy. After Hamilton College, I've been working within the financial and technology field.
Currently I head a team of 10 data scientists for a FinTech start-up company aimed at solving digital identity verification challenges through the use of artificial intelligence.
Currently I head a team of 10 data scientists for a FinTech start-up company aimed at solving digital identity verification challenges through the use of artificial intelligence.
Sadaf Sheikh
Sadaf Sheikh
Class of 2017
Class of 2017
Program Aide
Program Aide
I have gotten my master's in Social Work from Hunter College. Currently working with children and families to help them meet their goals.
I have gotten my master's in Social Work from Hunter College. Currently working with children and families to help them meet their goals.